You are not alone.

Finding Joy and Balance Is Within Reach.

Perinatal Health and Wellness

Motherhood is hard. I’m here to help.


MaternalCare Counselling

MaternalCare Counselling is a safe and loving space for you to take care of yourself so you can regain confidence and be the mama you were meant to be. You deserve to be supported so you can find balance again. Despite the messages that still persist, you were not meant to go on this journey into motherhood alone - in fact our culture is one of very few in the world that expects this of mothers.

There is a lot of shame and pressure mom’s feel. Many women feel isolated because they are just “supposed'“ to know what to do. Many women lose their “spark” and sense of happiness. If you feel overwhelmed and like you’re failing as a mom - trust me I’ve been there too - I promise you are not a failure. These feelings are normal, universal even, and I’m here to help you sort through it all so you can get back to your happy place.


As a family counsellor - parenting support sessions are also available online. Supporting you so you can better support your children. Whether that is helping them manage anxiety or teaching self-regulation, creating more family unity, or helping you manage your own parenting triggers from your childhood (which we all have!) - working together to achieve your parenting goals.

I offer joint counselling sessions to family members to help repair ruptures and reunite on the same page, as well as walk and talk sessions outdoors for all my clients including their pre-teen and teen children.

In the past, it was believed that pregnancy and postpartum was solely a time of joy for most women. Today, research has shown that during pregnancy and/or in the postpartum period:


  • As many as 1 in 5 women in BC will experience significant depression, anxiety, and/or another mental health disorder within the first year after birth without treatment - and this can begin in pregnancy.

  • Perinatal depression (up to 16% of moms) and perinatal anxiety (15.8% - 17.1%) is more common than gestational diabetes mellitus (13%) or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (3-10%).

  • 80% of moms experience the “baby blues” in the first few weeks after baby arrives. Symptoms usually resolve within a week or two and do not require treatment.

  • 25% of all women have experienced a miscarriage

No matter how severe your symptoms are, they are temporary and treatable. There are different paths to wellness, and together we can create a plan to increase your overall wellbeing.